Sunday, December 23, 2007

Leo Ku 'Magic Moments' X'mas Concert

Thanks to Daisy's 2 free tickets of Leo Ku 'Magic Moments' X'mas Concert.
When me & my younger brother reached the stadium, there was some rain drops but it stopped before the concert started. Leo Ku played a little musical theatre for this concert that he dropped into a jungle. The first song 'Love and Honesty 爱与诚'.
In the jungle, there were many little creatures......
Beautiful angel in the jungle......
Leo Ku was singing with the angel......
My first time to attend a concert, seeing Leo Ku in real.
Special guest of the night - Justin 侧田 & the group. Justin brought us the '男人KTV'.
Leo Ku was wearing a very heavy custume.
All stars on the stage, so early..... 9:30pm only.
Encore! Leo & Justin came out again.
Wow, Leo Ku finished the whole bottle of water straight in one time.
He explaint that the Magic is from our hands clapping. Well, what he means by 'Magic Moments' was the moment when he saw the lovers & families being happy & enjoy in this concert.
Well, of course tonight's X'mas concert was different with HK's where there were big balloons for everybody. But it didn't passed to my seat. Leo was wearing the yellow colour jacket. He sang us his old song 'Santa Claus'.
There was several times, suddenly many people rushed in front of the stage when he came nearby. hehe, me too... took the chance to get closer. There was one session where he came down to the stage and shaked hands with the VIP seats, too bad that I was far away, not in the VIP area. It took quite long that he walk one round at the VIP area while singing 'Jade Solid Gold 劲歌金曲'.
Well, the seatings in Stadium Merdeka wasn't that good, it's not that worth to purchase concert tickets if singing in this stadium. Afterall, it's free this time. Leo Ku sang the 'Money 钱钱钱钱' at encore session, so as '爱得太迟'. He hopes that everybody loves their family & friends, don't let it be 'Belated Love' as the song title. Everyday busy working but final it's for the family, so he sang us 'Love Coming Home 爱回家'. Tonight he only sang cantonese songs, don't even have a mandarin song.

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