Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cite Bookfair at Sri Petaling

Janet told us that there's cite bookfair in Sri Petaling Hotel. It's just in a very small hall, not much choices of book.

I found a book with this interesting title - 这样也不赖. It is written by Lee Ding (李鼎), a Taiwanese writer. About his Leading After discounted with Janet's cite member card, it costs RM26:

As usual, I prefer books with pictures. There are 25 chapters in this book: 找回一个有梦的朋友, 在心里造一块黑板, 在超市免费试吃, 有个朋友一摸一样, 看阳光晒在握方向盘的手上, 对着电风扇大声唱歌, 用迷路来寻找自己, 在最穷的地方逛便利商店......

What he writes on this page: "原来我想 '认识自己' 的渴望这么强烈,强烈到我要用迷路来寻找自己" -.-

I have just started 3 chapters, some sentences I read...... “我不是不念书,而是总在考试后才把书念完”“但我发现自己的不孝,因为我居然舍不得狗比舍不得我妈多”“Ocean 是现在全世界唯一可以指挥我、连他大小便我都心甘情愿去清的狗。对,就只是一条狗。”


Janet & Sunny were actually here for the volunteers of World Vision 30hr Famine, so we had dim sum breakfast around Sri Petaling early in the morning at 6:30am.

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