Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Liang Ying Huat's Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Liang Ying Huat's birthday at FiremanBBQ in The Curve. (Liang = OYL, Ying = LOHHY, Huat = CWH. Last year we celebrated it as Loh Yuen Huat in Station One Cafe).

This time Pei Fen also joined in, also to share the cost =p

They use chicken skin on the BBQ pot as oil, so unhealthy.

Because the table cannot be combined, so we have to split into 2 tables.

Aren also came over to join the dinner:

Me & HuiYing should have kept ordering the 凉粉dessert under the buffet list rather than paying extra for green tea or chestnut dessert.
The choices of food were so limited and they sometimes just repeating the same food that we didn't order.

BBQ on top, in the middle. Then, all the BBQ oil dropped into the lower side of hot water, ewww.... how to drink the soup? Some say the soup became so sweet:

Group photo before going back:

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